2. ScopeΒΆ

This document provides an architectural overview of the Acumos platform, as of the Athena release. All aspects of the Acumos platform are represented in this overview, including:

  • the Acumos portal, a web-based framework and content management system supporting Acumos platform operator and user interaction with the platform
  • various core components of the Acumos platform that are deployed as integrated services with the Acumos portal, and provide specific functions in support of the user experience, such as
    • a model onboarding service
    • a model design studio service
    • various model deployment clients and supporting components, as of this release supporting deployment under Azure, OpenStack, and kubernetes
    • an inter-platform model federation service
    • various common services, such as a common data service and microservice generation service
  • various model developer support clients, used in model onboarding
  • various non-Acumos components that provide necessary dependencies as services to the platform, such as
    • runtime environment and control based upon Docker-CE and/or Kubernetes
    • a database backend service based upon MariaDB
    • a default artifact repository for Maven and docker artifacts, based upon Nexus
    • a default ingress controller / reverse proxy for the plaform, based upon Kong
    • various components that provde a platform logging and analytics service
      • a platform component log aggregation service based upon Filebeat
      • a platform host and container analytics service based upon Metricbeat
      • logging/analytics storage, search, and visualization based upon the ELK stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana)
  • deployment and operations support tools for the platform